Hi All!
If there’s any time of year when candy and sweets are on the mind, it’s around Halloween! Between candy-filled grocery aisles and traditional homemade treats, the temptation of sugar can hit us in full force. Here are my FIVE simple tips to help you manage your sug
ar cravings in real time. Also I've included below a simple 3-ingredient candy-like treat that will curb your cravings and leave you satisfied!
Here are my top 5 strategies to manage sugar cravings this Halloween:
1. Wait to buy candy until the day of Halloween.
2. Purchase treats you don't enjoy so you are not tempted.
3. Have a healthier option on hand (recipe below) so that you do not feel deprived of participating in the celebration. 4. Eat a healthy meal with enough protein, healthy fat and fiber so that you are not finding yourself hungry with a bowl of candy staring you in the face. 5. Get some movement! Whether you are walking around with your kids to trick-or-treat or handing out candy at the door. Take a walk-break to take in the festive atmosphere and say hi to some neighbors at a social distance of course! Yes, things are different and we are more isolated, so take this opportunity to get out and wave, say hi, admire the costumes, smile and move your body:)
That's my take for this Halloween! We'll take it one holiday at a time! Together:) Yummy & healthier candy option for you! Dates are chewy and sweet but cause a lower glycemic response in the body, which means you will not keep craving more. A raw, sugar free (1-ingredient) nut butter will give you a combo of healthy, fat, fiber and protein that will satisfy and fill you up & the Lily's brand dark chocolate chips are yummy use stevia as a sweetener so no sugar. Recipe:
1 Medjool date cut in 1/2 1 tablespoon of raw almond butter (or other raw nut butter) 1 tablespoon of Lily's chocolate chips Options: Top with 1 tablespoon pomegranate seeds, coconut flakes or cacao powder Fill each 1/2 of the date with nut butter and sprinkle chocolate chips on top, enjoy! You can also combine a ratio of 5 dates with a few tablespoons of almond butter in a food processor or vitamix, add chocolate chips to dough and roll into balls You can contact me at kristin@kristinfitness.com or visit my website at kritinfitness.com